Hey SpongeBob! Your heroism lives on!
For bringing peace to Ookia and the war is now done
Bob-bob-bob-bob SpongeBob
The Dooka and Dookess’ fight is a pain in the head
SpongeBob rid the butter war with every slice of bread
The two nations’ mockery has ended with Sam-I-Am
For his love of his friends and his mother named Pam
Two butter beards became one as a sandwich
Now that E.B. and Looka combed their own dish
All thanks to...!
SpongeBob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob, hey!
Bob-bob-bob-bob SpongeBob Everybody now!
Bob-bob-bob-bob SpongeBob
SpongeBob wonders why the Yooks and the Zooks did fought
Rocko and his friends are the first help he and his friends got
The Dooka and Dookess tell us what to think
But SpongeBob’s compassion leads right to his wink
Wally Walrus says he hates judging the innocent Yooks
While Trousers’ was to take credit from the Zooks
But stopped by...!
Bob-bob-bob-bob SpongeBob
SpongeBob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob, We cheer for...
Bob-bob-bob-bob SpongeBob
SpongeBob is the hero to all of his friends and family
With both forces of Ookia united for eternity
He’d even stop the big scheme of the evil Trousers’ trouse
And not get a kiss from the sweet Marilyn Blouse
Rid Ookia of the butter war once and for all
Cause it will have green eggs and ham, and baseball
Three cheers for...
Bob-bob-bob-bob SpongeBob
SpongeBob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob, go SpongeBob!
Bob-bob-bob-bob SpongeBob
Hey SpongeBob! You’re done a great job
Bob-bob-bob-bob SpongeBob!